BTFC Office Hours: Get Help On Your Projects

BTFC Office Hours: Get Help On Your Projects

NOTE: 40 minute slots will be assigned on a first RSVP basis. A zoom link will be sent to you 48 hours before your session.
Please block out 4:30 – 6:30 on your calendar until your slot is received.


BTFC office hours are good for health – the health of your projects that is.
Chat with BTFC Co-Founder and writer, director, producer Huriyyah Muhammad about your project!

For artists, isolation can be deadly to projects. In fact, it stops many projects before they have even fully begun. BTFC Office Hours were implemented to combat the isolation that we all sometimes fall victim to. During office hours we’ll answer general production questions and provide an environment where you can come in and work on your projects in the company of others.

How can we better describe them? Its an open door for any member who would like to just come in and ask a question. Get a second pair of eyes on a rough cut, get some help on budgets, use a computer, work in the company of others. Remember back in the day when our professors had office hours and you would just go in to ask a question or get some help? That is what these office hours are like. You might have us all to yourself, or there may be one or two other filmmakers in the line ahead of you.

Join us to talk about your projects and ideas, so that you’re better equipped to move them forward. Its all time well spent.


Oct 20 2020


5:30 pm - 8:00 pm