Discussion Tuesdays
Talking is good for your health – and the health of your projects. Say hello to Discussion Tuesdays.
For artists, isolation can be deadly. Sometimes we’re so busy, we don’t take the time to just talk things through, talk about what’s on our minds and in our hearts. On Discussion Tuesdays, the topic may be related to our projects, where we are stalled, what help we need, or it may not be related to production at all. We’re coming together to talk about everything that effects us as artists, everything that fuels us as artists, that inspires us and pushes us from our community here in New York City to our global community.
BTFC Office Hours have evolved to encapsulate so much more. Discussion Tuesdays was implemented to combat the isolation that we all sometimes fall victim to. We’re starting in Brooklyn, but we will meet in Manhattan as well, on an alternating schedule.
How can we better describe Discussion Tuesdays? We’re hoping they are a good time. Lots of laughs, great conversation, maybe a few tears, maybe even some the start of some great plans for future work. Discussion Tuesdays are an open door for any member who would like to just come in and ask a question. Even get a second pair of eyes on a rough cut.
Join us to talk about your projects and ideas, or about the difficulty you are having as an artist. Talk about news, finance, you name. Ocassionally we will also have special guests. All in all, it’s sure to be time well spent.
See you at Discussion Tuesdays