September Creative Mix-n-Mingle!

September Creative Mix-n-Mingle!

We are happy to co-present this event with Women Make Movies and the Brown Girls Doc Mafia.  Join us to usher in a new season of creative pursuits, and strong relationships. Featuring drinks, snacks, and soon-to-be filmmaker friends.

Hope to see you there!

About Women Make Movies: (WMM) We support women producers and directors from the beginning, planting the seeds for a diverse and inclusive filmmaking landscape. As the world’s leading distributor of independent films by and about women, we amplify historically ignored voices and challenge the mainstream media.

About the Brown Girls Doc Mafia: (BGDM) is an organization advocating for women and non-binary people of color in the documentary industry. We divert and direct opportunities to address the unique needs of our community and challenge the antiquated norms within our field. Our multifaceted, member-focused approach includes: deconstructing dominant film spaces, creating blueprints for professional sustainability, and nourishing creative brilliance.


Sep 18 2019


6:00 pm - 8:30 pm